Loves our platform and content!

Loves our platform and content!

During the Production Meeting of 11/24, Carlie reported that she was on a call with GTP. The first thing the client told her was how much she loves our platform and content. Then she asked how we ensure consistency. Our consistency is something to be proud of.

Lighter! Faster! More Powerful!

Our CADLearning Assist plugin provides in-application performance support and point-of-need lesson suggestions as you work – now with more robust functionality and a lighter, faster package.

This update lets you take advantage of all of your favorite CADLearning features in your Autodesk application.

Want to make progress on your Goals?

You can quickly watch lessons or answer questions in your Pop Quiz.
To keep track of your progress, you will find time markers and an estimated completion date.
For immediate answers as you work, just click on a command or feature, and CADLearning Assist will automatically suggest relevant lessons.
Plus, custom playlists and a full library search help you find the exact content you need to complete your workflows.
Organization administrators can even view at-a-glance data and analytics on team progress.


CADLearning Assist Release Notes Fall 2020

CADLearning Assist Release Notes Fall 2020

  • The Roles and Goals tab now brings everything you love about your CADLearning dashboard to CADLearning Assist, including your Pop Quiz, What’s Next, Roles and Goals, and the Progress chart
Individual Goals
  • Organization Administrators will also have access to the Organization Dashboard from the Gamification Tab. These at-a-glance charts provide Engagement Trends, Rock Stars, Skill Gaps, Users Improving, Users Struggling, Users Most Engaged, and Users Least Engaged.
Organization Dashboard
  • Clicking a Goal, Medallion, or Badge within Roles & Goals will take you directly to that page in a new browser tab.
Browser Tab
  • Clicking Assess My Progress will take the user directly to the assessment in the CADLearning portal.
  • If you only want to use CADLearning Assist with specific products, you can simply adjust the settings to prevent it from launching in the products you do not want.
Assist Settings
  • The Library tab now includes filters to search the full library for a specific lesson, or click What’s New to quickly view updated content.

Use CADLearning Goals to Lead your Students on a Path to Success

Our CADLearning dashboard makes it easier than ever to build out a curriculum that aligns with the Autodesk Certification Exams so your students can meet their goals!

Gamified Learning Experience

Our learning paths break goals down into badges and medallions to provide incremental achievements that are validated and measured for 100% competency. The To-Do list suggests the next lessons to watch based upon the badge that a student is closest to achieving, so they stay motivated to keep learning.

Tools to Harness Time

With time markers now included, you will know exactly how long it will take your students to finish their goals, medallions, and badges. If you want them to finish by a specific date, the burndown charts include a current trend line and an estimated time of completion to keep students on track.

SMART(er) Goals

Studies show that SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based) goals are more likely to be completed.

CADLearning automates this process with goals that are:

Specific to the task or workflow

Measured as students earn badges

tttainable in bite-sized, digestible pieces

Relevant because they pertain to each students’ future career path

Time-based, with burndown charts to keep students on schedule

Faster Upskilling

As students take assessments and answer pop quizzes, CADLearning automatically removes lessons they have proven they know from their path. That way, they have just the content they need to progress in their studies. If they decide to change paths, all the content they have already learned is completed there, too!

More Intuitive Experience

Instructors love that CADLearning has the most comprehensive Autodesk learning library in the world. But, all of that content can be a little overwhelming. The learning path provides a more guided experience as students work toward gaining the competencies and skills that lead to real outcomes in their productivity and future careers.

CADLearning Webinars

We are happy to offer Student and Teacher webinars to our educational customers! We understand that remote learning has a curve of its own, and we want you to get the most from your CADLearning portal. So, let us guide you in the use of our online education tools.

Contact us at to set up your webinar today!

How can CADLearning assist me in my classroom?

CADLearning is a helpful tool during your class sessions (be they online or in-person), prior to your instruction, or afterwards as reinforcement.

Let’s look at how:

Accompaniment to In-Person or Online Instruction

With short, atomized videos, you can present or share point-of-need lessons directly with your students during a class. Let our content leaders quickly and efficiently direct your students and use our included exercise files as hands-on practice.

With coverage of over 40 Autodesk products, and more being added and updated constantly, you’ll get the most up-to-date information covering any and all software you are teaching.

Assess Progress and Prior Knowledge

CADLearning provides out-of-the-box assessments within our courses that cover the breadth of the content. However, you can also create playlists from individual topics, share those with your students, and then ask them to assess themselves off of those lists.

This gives you a strong indication of the incoming knowledge of your classroom, and, armed with that information, you can tailor your teaching. After you’ve presented your lesson, use those same playlists as support lessons as well, to give your students open access to practice what they learned and thereby boost their retention rates.

Improve Retention

Providing a list of relevant lessons or directing students to requisite libraries can help keep your instruction relevant in their minds, improving knowledge retention and reducing those frequently asked questions.

Questions? Contact us at!

Trouble Logging In

To log into CADLearning, visit

There are a number of reasons you could be experiencing trouble logging into CADLearning. 

Here is a quick list of the most common issues to check:

  • Make sure you are using the correct URL to log in. Each organization has a unique URL for log in, so if you have access through your company or through your school be sure you have the correct URL entered.
  • Passwords are case sensitive, be sure to check that you don’t have CAPs lock on. If you don’t recall your password you can use the reset password option.
  • Make sure you are not running ad-blocker software or script blocker software. If you are – you will need to put the URL you log in at on the permitted list.
  • If you received an invitation but did not use it within three business days the token is likely to have expired. If you get a message that the token expired please contact support or your administrator for assistance.
  • If you never confirmed your email address via the invitation you may get an error stating your email is not confirmed. If you get a message that your email is not confirmed please contact support for assistance.
  • If you enter an email address that does not match the one on your account you will receive an error that the user name is wrong. Contact for assistance.

Getting Started with CADLearning


We have developed some online presentations to walk you through using CADLearning. These are online and will be updated whenever we make a change to the platform, so come back and check in anytime you have a question or see something new!

Getting Started with CADLearning

Of course, we also know that everyone learns differently. For those of prefer to watch a video than read a guide, have also developed a number of videos to review the tasks you may need.

You can access a Vimeo album for new users available with the following link: CADLearning Users

We hope these resources help you get the most out of CADLearning.

System Requirements

Important Note:

In alignment with changes made by Microsoft support, we have updated our System Requirements.

As of 1/15/2020:

  • We will no longer support Internet Explorer on any Operating System.
  • The Edge browser was given an important update by Microsoft; therefore, we can only offer support on the updated Chromium version.
  • We will no longer support Windows 7, including our Windows 7 Desktop App.
  • CADLearning Portal:

CADLearning is accessed through the internet using a browser. Any of the following browsers can be used on a Windows 10 machine:

  • Microsoft Edge (Updated Version only)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Latest changes)
  • Google Chrome (Latest changes)

You may be ale to access the portal on a Mac or other Apple device as well as any Android device by using one of the supported browsers. Alternative browser may not respond. You may need to work with your IT group to gain access if certain media streaming is blocked, or if you work behind a corporate firewall. You will need to make sure the exact URL you use for CADLearning is white listed if you are using an adblocker or antivirus software.

CADLearning Assist:

In order to use the CADLearning Assist application, you will need to be running the corresponding Autodesk product on a Windows 10 Machine, and you must be an administrator on that machine. You may need special permissions from your IT group if they restrict installation of add-ins for Autodesk software.

Why can’t I view videos?

There are a couple of reasons videos cannot be viewed:

  • If the video player shows an error or blank screen, you may have a firewall blocking the video streaming. Many companies enforce strict policies in regards to internet traffic. You will need to work with your IT department to allow traffic from the following locations: *  * 
  • If you have an ad blocker or a script blocker, be sure to allow CADLearning and Azure to view the videos. 
  • If the video player shows an error, which states something like, “No compatible source found for the current browser environment.” Be sure you are using a supported browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or EDGE. Also, be sure you have the most recent Flash, Java, and Windows updates installed.  
  • If you see a message that you do not have access to this content please check that your subscription or company provided entitlement is still active. 

If you still cannot view the videos, please contact  support  for help!